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Scanning and comparing prop blade profiles

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2019
Bell, FL
Obviously the least expensive is a profile or contour gauge tool. Typically has 1/16" blades or pointers.
But with all the 3D scanning tools out there I figured it would be possible to do something that is non-contact.
Mount prop on something so it's easily turned 180 degrees.
Mount a solid bar parallel to one prop blade.
On the bar, mount a simple 3D scanner that will get a profile (2D) scan for that location.
Rotate prop 180 degrees, take a new scan and compare.
Move the scanner 1" along the bar parallel to the prop and repeat.
Repeat for each 1" of the prop blade.
Turn blade around and repeat for backside of prop.

I've been looking at DIY and low-cost 3D scanners, but most are designed for scanning a small object on a turntable.
Some are using a line laser and web camera. Some two lasers.
Wouldn't mind a single-point measuring set-up (can relatively easy make a 5" 90 degree cross-bar with stepper motor to scan profile section).
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how the triangulation method works and how to implement it.

Does anyone here have experience with DIY 3D scanning?