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Quicksilver MX Sprint II: Trailing Edge Rib Fittings Suggestions

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Chris In Marshfield

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Supporting Member
Jan 29, 2008
Northwest WI USA
** Cross-posted for commentary from my build log.

I had a trusted aviation advisor give a cursory inspection of my plane and the work done to date. He found a couple of things I can improve upon, but otherwise it’s coming along nicely. While looking at how to fix my busted bolt problem in one of the compression struts, he and another chapter member noticed this little guy was broken (trailing edge rib fitting). It wasn’t noticeable until we put a bit of extra flex in the wing to remove the compression strut for repair. So I need to pay these guys some attention as well. I don’t know how fragile these are normally, but I do know I’ll be keeping an eye on them during annual inspection.

Some suggested it was because the previous owner drilled the fitting for safety wire. Bever at AirTech provided an alternative method in which the safety wire can still be used, but not drilled through the fitting. Another person suggested zip ties in a slightly different configuration. I’ll see which way works best for my situation.

If anyone has experience with these fittings and has recommendations for securing them to the aft spar, I'd love to hear about it.

