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Quickbuild(ish) Ultralight idea compilation

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
The parts count seems really high but it'd mostly be "snap together" construction. Even the lattice would be "drop of glue, hit it with a Home Depot electric brad gun and trim off the extra with a Zona saw".

It's a mix of several ideas that I've been playing with for a while: CE-II fuselage, RouterMax wing, VP-21HWC tail feathers. When I see all the parts in one airplane I kind of like it.

CE2 VTFQBW 1.jpg CE2 VTFQBW 11.jpg CE2 VTFQBW 3.jpg

Obviously the rudder and stab are inspired by the Volksplane. 1/2" EPS foam with a layer of fiberglass or CF on each side, cut on a CNC machine. CF tube spars and Kevlar/CF leading edge. Built on a EPS jig also cut out on a CNC machine.

CE2 VTFQBW 5.jpg CE2 Tail Feathers.jpg CE2 Rudder jig.jpg

Maybe even a CF "X Spar" wing with EPS ribs (same as rudder above)

CE-II 5b.jpg CE-II 5.jpg CE-II 3.jpg

The flaperons could use either a scissor jack or the regular Rube Goldberg bellcrank system.

CExW Flaperon Scissor Jack UP.jpg CExW Flaperon Scissor Jack.jpg CExW Flaperon4.jpg

I've got some Doug Fir and a couple of sheets of A/C ply burning a hole in my pocket, ...humm:ponder:, maybe this would be a good use for it.