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Newbie from Western WA.

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Ole Steve

Aug 15, 2015
I have always had an interest or curiousity about private or experimental flying. Even considered purchase of an Ercoupe a couple years ago. One thing I have in my favor is some good DIY skills and a fully equipt machine and metal fab shop, left over after I retired from light industry. (also retire US Navy).
78 years old but still active in sailing (last boat built was an Ingrid 38 sail boat).

Recently I noticed a strange aircraft main fuselage setting in some weed at the enterance of a auto salvage yard. I knew the owners of the yard and stopped and was told someone was hauling it to the dump but ask them to purchase it for the scrap value. That wasn't much since only the aluminum tube frame and controls were of any metal value, the rest was ply and fiberglass. Wings and elevator and rudder were missing. I know this plane is well beyond repair or restoration but looking at the design, it sparks my interest in just the design and potential for a Home Built project.

Just a brief description here and a couple picture to see if anyone knows what this plane is/was??

She is a side-by-side two seater, over wing, pusher.

The pictures may help more:
And thanks for your fine forum and active group.



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