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New Design Help

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New Member
May 1, 2014
Singapore (currently)
Hi all.

I am trying to design my own personal jet. I have no formal background in engineering or aerodynamics (just a mere pilot) so I am appealing for any opinions on my initial layout from the more technically gifted members.

My idea is to build the airframe from carbon fiber and mount an engine from a VLJ at the rear. (I used the dimensions of the GE Honda HF120 for the layout shown below but other similar sized engines could be substituted)

My intentions are to keep the design as simple, small (approx 6 meters in length) and 'low tech' as possible to keep the cost down.

As mentioned before I am no engineer and the design is an initial concept, the questions that I have are;

1. Are there any obvious design flaws with the layout?

2. wingspan vs fuselage length ratio? is it feasible?

3. vertical stabaliser size? would it be sufficient

4. Horizontal stabaliser location? would it be sufficient, would it have enough leverage?

5. air intake shape/size? how to calculate intake size for a specific engine? is the triangle shape I used feasible?

6. Can items like the landing gear and engine be fitted directly onto a carbon fiber body such as this or would there need to be an internal steel frame for that purpose?




All measurements are in mm.

dimensions 1.PNGdimensions 3.PNGdimensions 2.PNG

Thanks in advance.
