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left turn at take off

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Bob Kelly

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
N.Calif Mountians
I am wondering if anyother GyroCopter flyers out there have knoticed
a tennancy for the craft to make a left turn when the landing gear leaves the ground ?
I remember reading an artical about a fell'a getting his Gyro instruction lessons and he mentioned this tennancy ... that if he hadn't been forwarned about it it could have been desasterous on his first flight.

Anyone have that problem with their Autogyro ?... i am courious as to why it happens.... is it shaired with all Autogyro craft or just the Ultralights or what ?

I have knoticed this tennancy in my Gyrocopter ...thats why i ask !

maybe something isn't adjusted just right ??? ( GRIN)

Thank ya !
