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Interesting Turbine Option

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Site Developer
Oct 22, 2002
Pacific NW, USA!
I've only taken a quick look but I thought I would pass the link on to see what you all think. Sure is easy on the eyes that's for sure.


Innodyn offers a number of Turbines to meet the experimental pilot’s needs. While every model is based on Innodyn’s core Turbine design, each is optimized to provide the strongest performance.

Each Turbine weighs no more than 188 pounds, and is compatible with the firewall forward kits developed by our partner, Rivers Aeronautical. Together with Rivers Aeronautical, we’re confident that one of these Turbines is right for the vast majority of experimental applications. Please feel free to contact us with any questions

Our Turbines are designed for output speeds of 2,000; 2,250; 2,500; 2,750; 3,000; and 3,600 RPM. We recommend the use of 2,750 RPM for fixed-wing aircraft applications.

Innodyn 165TE
165 Horsepower
Introductory Price: $26,500

Innodyn 185TE
185 Horsepower
Introductory Price: $28,000

Innodyn 205TE
205 Horsepower
Introductory Price: $29,500

Innodyn 255TE
255 Horsepower
Introductory Price: $34,500

Innodyn is currently developing additional Turbines for the experimental marketplace.

Here is the link: http://www.innodyn.com/aviation/innodyn_turbines.html


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