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Hello from a new person

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
New York City
Hi all,

I've been reading all the great threads on this site and am now so excited I want to start one.

An introduction to myself:
I am a full-time artist with and engineering background. I have been thinking about aircraft for a while. About a year ago I started making little paper and foam core airplanes to throw around my studio. I've leaned alot about CG and airfiols and flying wings and canards doing this.

My dream is to find a way to make a mega-super-ultralight something that can be flown on very few horses. I have read almost everything out there on human powered flight both fixed wing and rotary attempts; even human powered airships. I've read quite a bit on experimental ultralights as well and poked around the internet on things that fly on single digit power sources.

Like all of you I am trying to figure out a way to fuse my dreamy ideas to the realities of physics and engineering. Also, like most of you I've got a million questions.

A few days ago I saw a frightful contraption in a rotary wing thread - the propcopter. From the pictures I could feel the vibration and bolts wiggling loose. Still the idea got me thinking. If a person made a light long well proportioned rotary wing similar to the ones being tested in human powered helicopter attemps could a 1 or 2 HP emgine (and small prop) be put on each blade tip that would get the thing off the ground? And maybe even out of ground effect? I've toyed with some calculations and have come up with a rotary wing that can lift 180lbs at 60 RPM. Perhapse the pitching moments of my airfoil will bite my behind or the Cd but I just wanted to post this and see what people had to say.

Thanks in advance.javascript:smilie(':D')