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Fabric weight?

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I am just about ready to start covering the fuselage. I have been looking through the Spruce & Specialty catalog, and it has two weights of fabric in pre-sewn envelopes. The complete Heavy is 93.50, and medium is 350.95. My question is what weight should I use, and why is there such difference in the pricing?
The recommended fabric weight for the Sonerai is 2.6 oz per yard. That's the Poly-Fiber medium weight. Between you, me, and the fence post, I don't think using the presewn envelope for the fuselage provides any big advantage, other than it allows you to spend more money. I've covered my airplane twice using the blanket method, and it is really easy. Cover the bottom first, then one side, then the other side. The hardest part is making sure the overlap seam down the center of the turtledeck is straight.
Fabric amount?

Does anyone have a good estimate for the amount of fabric I will need to cover my 2 stretch? The poly fiber manual has estimates for many aircraft, but nothing small and only fuselage covered like the sonerai. Also interested in the amount of poly tack, poly brush, and poly spray.
What I am looking for is a material list for fabric Yards
Poly Tac Qty
Poly Brush -Qty
Poly Spray -Qty

There is a fabric layout in the archived yahoo files, but it appears to be for a Sonerai I. A search of the Airframe Forum didn't offer much help for quantities needed, though I didn't read every post. Maybe one of the SII or Stretch builders here can offer more information? I am about to buy my covering supplies also, and would like to get it right the first time. Going with Polyfiber and an Aerothane topcoat. I like shiny things.

Has anyone ever looked into covering a Sonerai with composite sheeting such as G-10? Not trying to insult the design... just a question. ;D
SuperDave....It's way too heavy, and the attachment methods would get complicated. John Monnett Tried a Fiberglass shell once, but after working with it, abandoned the idea. 1.7 oz. Dacron is the way to go.....Ed
Sorry.......2.7 Oz. is what you use...The 1.7 is used mostly on Ultralights, and over plywood skin stress panels. Ed
Ha ha, threw me for a second there, Ed. Any idea how many yards of fabric for a SIILS?

For the original S-II, my manual contains a hand-written note saying '18 yards, 50" wide'.

Thanks Ed, was the 14 yards for your Sonerai 1?

Well, this is . . . a challenge. I think a 50" width is for the uncertified 1.7 ounce ultralight material. The fabric layout drawing in the archives says 5' 6" (66") wide by 63' 3" total length. It does not say which model this is for, S1, S2, or S2 Stretch.

So, Polyfiber Medium weight is 70" wide, close enough to the 66" referenced in the layout drawing. But I'm still not confident about the total length. Looks like I'll be figuring it out from the plans. Yet another good reason to build to plans, yes?

yes you are right its only good to 120mph as a sustained speed will take a lot more when for a short time. Mine has seen 95 a few times but that is no sonerai speed for sure.
Paint layer will weight roughly 2X more than 2.7 oz fabric weight. Final weight is 2.5-3 times original fabric weight.