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Does 240hp = 240hp regardless?

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Chris In Marshfield

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Supporting Member
Jan 29, 2008
Northwest WI USA
Good morning all,

I noticed in a post at the C-195 Club this week that a person was selling a C-190 FWF setup (the whole thing minus prop), which is the Continental W670 240hp 7-cyl radial. Since it was going at a very good price (engine, mount, baffling, cowling, everything), I wondered if it would be a fit for my project. I'm planning for my Expedition to be built around a 250-300hp engine, and a radial is in the realm of possibility this early in the game. But I'm wondering if it's got the guts.

So I'm thinking to myself, is 240hp still 240hp, regardless of how it's delivered? Is a Lyc540's or a Cont470's version of 240hp the same a this radial's 240hp?
The C-190/195 swings a 93" prop. Because the radial is a geared engine, I'm betting it's no big deal. I don't know that I'd be able to do the same with a Lyc540 or a Cont470.

So with that in mind, when is an apple not an apple? Or will it always be an apple?

Thanks for your thoughts,