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Cont. A65 in a IIL ?

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Active Member
Aug 10, 2010
Springfield WV. Based 1W3
New member. Sorry, I didn't find a thread on this. I recently sold my Spezio and looking for a project. I've always admired the Sonerai. I have a A65 available and wonder your thoughts about putting one on a single place 2L? I suspect it's been tried but haveen't heard any reports? I just turned 75. live in WV. Had several airplanes including a Pitts, Starduster 2, Acroduster 2 and two Spezio tu-holers. Maybe one last fling?

Thanks. I see Dave had a A80 which I suspect would really be something. I believe my A65 is good to go, a friend is giving it to me to assemble. I was thinking a conversion to A75 which I flew on a J5, a fine engine but conversion may be expensive now days. Another friend suggested a straight A65 would do very well on a single place 2L with right prop. I'm very limited $ wise since Marcia retired:cool: so that's the plan. Don't need 2-place anymore. I need to really pause to evaluate if I can do this again as I may be facing another back surgery. I know from experience that any project is at least twice as hard as I might think at first. Thanks again

An early mentor of mine, Bob Aymar, was leery of VW power so he installed an A65 in the Sonerai 1 he built.
It did not work out well, but all that really proves is that any engine, aircraft or "conversion" can quit at any time including on take-off.
Also, if there are anomalies on the ground, best to sort them before deciding to fly.

I'd try it if i had one.
The higher propellor efficiency combined with a bit more rpm induced HP sounds like it ought to work well.....:)
Not sure exactly what the prop limits are, but if 60" is possible, that is quite a bit more disc area than the typical 52" VW prop on a Sonerai.
Even more impressive, when comparing the area outside that blanketed by the cowl/fuselage front.

IOW, build it more or less as an A80/2700 rpm
If the rods/pins/pistons were too expensive to change to A80 , then change the valves and do the factory mods to the A65 parts for an A75 up-rating. Then be sure of the cooling installation to reject the extra heat.

My friend offered me the engine some time ago and recently renewed the offer when I sold my Spezio . It is a complete MOH assembled A65 his dad did years ago. Pickled, inside stored along with a bunch of 65 parts. Hard to pass-up but I will only take it for a project....not to make $$ from. Convert to 75 would be nice but cost is ????. I know an A80 would be more than I have!
I browsed this a little deeper.
We have an A65 (upgrade from the stock 45 HP!) in our club '39 J3. I've been in the top end myself (Inspected & re-seated valves via "Lycoming rope trick"), and participated in some cylinder work (removal, replacement) under supervision. But not an A & P.
My "received impression" had been that the -75 merely had drilled rods for better oiling, and stellite tipped exhaust valves. Upgrade to 2600 rpm. I do know the stock springs are pretty soft, so there may be a limit.

It looks like the pistons might be different as well, and apparently some cranks are "more suitable than others"
http://mail.westmont.edu/pipermail/aeronca/2004-April/038657.html So there is some judgement involved, as well as parts.

It does sound more compelling as the single seat Sonerai 2 you proposed, compared to the heavy Subaru versions some do.
But also re-focuses how much sense a simple well built VW makes. :)

Hey jack, I offered to trade you my Sonerai 2L plus cash for your spezio tuholer and you turned it down! Lol. Let me know if you’re in the market I have a couple.