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Considering a Sonerai mid-wing.

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Ron Horton

New Member
Jul 5, 2023
Years ago I had a Cassutt for a short time. I've been on the ground for 15 years now, but a Sonerai has come available to me. I'm curious as to flying characteristics. Also, I'm a bit concerned about this being a mid-wing and me being 6' tall. I found the spar hitting me on the top of my legs. Any suggestions, tips, or stories for me?
I can't reply to comments, but I appreciate the ideas. I'm not a builder, just a flyer. This plane might just not be the right one for me, even though I love it. I'll keep looking, but will also accept other ideas. I liked my Cassutt, but had to get rid of it after some financial stuff and a pending move. I'd get another one of those if they show up at the right price.
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Years ago I had a Cassutt for a short time. I've been on the ground for 15 years now, but a Sonerai has come available to me. I'm curious as to flying characteristics. Also, I'm a bit concerned about this being a mid-wing and me being 6' tall. I found the spar hitting me on the top of my legs. Any suggestions, tips, or stories for me?
Can you re-build the rudder pedals to displace them farther forward?
Will you still get full travel on the - relocated - rudder pedals?
I have a Sonerai IIL fuselage I would part with if you are looking for a project. It is set up for folding wings and could easily be converted to a "single seat" with room for baggage or extra fuel.
As we've discussed before, a single-seat Sonerai II solves your problems in terms of legroom and provides space for extra fuel or baggage. Since the Sonerai II is flown solo from the rear seat, setting one up with a single canopy gives it the look of a late 1930s racer. Here's one from New Zealand for inspiration which is described as a Sonerai I but is clearly a single-seat version of the two-seater:


Source: New Monnett Sonerai 1 ZK-SNG at Stratford
Whenever I read about people being so tall and cramped in planes it makes me fell happy to be 5'7" . Can just jump in anything and fly it no issues especially my sonerai 2
a single-seat Sonerai II solves your problems in terms of legroom

He said his issue was the mid-wing spar. Getting his legs under it. (Or worse at a certain age, trying to get back out)
I'm 6' and the low wing 2 (as in your photo) fits me fine AFA leg room (34" inseam).
However, the canopy does not close on my head.

My understanding is the the 2-stretch can solve both issues if built by a tall person.
Or possibly re-locate the stick forward and recline the rear seat. Which is very difficult to do after structure is welded.

Me - i've gone off the deep end having built an oven and blowing (so far experimental 1/2 scale practice) canopies.