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Already nervous; not even close to starting

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Apr 8, 2004
Eastern PA
We have a screened in porch. We want to extend it it about ten feet out. Seems like a pretty straight forward job, except I'm not sure about removing the end where the extension will join up. I'm not so sure about roofing either. I'd also need to rent the circular saw, nail gun and air compresser. Seems easier to hire a contractor for this.

So, I'm wondering how I can even consider building a plane if I can't extend a porch.:( At least a plane comes with plans and a process for constructing it. Also, I love planes and flying. A porch doesn't have that affect on me.

Meanwhile, I'm building a balsa model Nieuport II (24" wingspan) to test myself. If it goes OK, I'll build a PT17 model next.

I have yet to go for a ride in a Deuce and Hatz to see which I like best. If I go ahead with this, I'll probably start at the end of the year. That gives me plenty of time to read books, watch videos, and get my garage (two car) ready and insulated. I'll also be joining the local EAA chapter. I'm also shopping around for the equipement I'd buy, such as table saw, drill press, bench grinder, etc.