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Aerofoil Articles QFI Magazine - Dave Jones Airfoil Transition.

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New Member
Jul 4, 2014
Dubai, UAE
I am looking for very old QFI magazine articles on airfoil transitions written by Dave Jones. I have searched the model forums and there are some posts that thought the article was around April/May 2000 in two parts. I thought the articles were earlier than that maybe 1996/1998? I also think the articles may also have been lodged with UIUC.

Can anyone help. Happy to pay printing/postage costs etc.

The articles describe the methodology for aerodynamic washout transitioning airfoil selection and camber across the span of the wing as opposed to building physical washout at the tips. I am using it to compare with Irv Culvers methodology on the Carbon Dragon. If anyone can point me to other sources on a similar subject it would be much appreciated.

First post so be nice if I have posted in the wrong spot:)

many thanks