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AeroCarb - back-ordered

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For reference, I have attached a pict of my Revflow Installation.


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Picts of the Revflow carb and a couple of the Aerocarb and the Revflow side by side.


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Thanks for the pics guys. Still baffles me why ram air is not recommended for the Aerinjector, but is ok'd for the Revflo. In it's recommended install the Aerocarb is like running with the carb heat always on. In my Cessna that resulted in higher cyl/oil temps and decreased HP (about 10%).
I had my Aerocarb plumbed to cold air outside of the cowl. I agree, no reason the Aerocab/injector should not handle ram air. With either, I would suggest running your vent tube directly facing the oncoming airstream.
I ordered my AeroInjector on 05/23/2013. They pre-auth'ed the cc on the 23rd and the payment cleared the credit card on the 24th. The last email I got was on the 24th when the order status changed from "Queued" to "Received by Sonex Staff".

The total for the injector was $485, but the total on the credit card was $501.76 so one would assume that included shipping, which would imply it was ready to be shipped. As of today it hasn't arrived yet (11-days). I guess I will give them a call.
FarmAV8R said:
I ordered my AeroInjector on 05/23/2013. They pre-auth'ed the cc on the 23rd and the payment cleared the credit card on the 24th. The last email I got was on the 24th when the order status changed from "Queued" to "Received by Sonex Staff".

The total for the injector was $485, but the total on the credit card was $501.76 so one would assume that included shipping, which would imply it was ready to be shipped. As of today it hasn't arrived yet (11-days). I guess I will give them a call.

Christine and I are dealing with a return shipment to a vendor (to be un-named) in Tennessee via USPS Smartmail.....it has been since April and the package is still unaccounted for. Grrrrrrrrrr. :mad:
chopperman said:
Seems like it is okay to have ram air with the aeroinjector, Im gonna try that pvc pipe trick.

According to the AeroInjector Owners Manual (page 15) - "The AeroInjector must be allowed to draw combustion air freely - it is not designed for use with ram air. Ram air will cause the mixture to become lean as speed increases."

(Typed manually because someone is paranoid about their manual and has the PDF encrypted and secured to prevent content copying)
Gaston uses a SU and seems happy, he had it on his mini too.
That is value for money.
it has both a slide and butterfly, but Gaston seems to not need carb heat and he lives in Eskimo Nell country.
There is heaps of SU stuff on the net.
it's worth a look.
ncam said:
Gaston uses a SU and seems happy, he had it on his mini too.
That is value for money.
it has both a slide and butterfly, but Gaston seems to not need carb heat and he lives in Eskimo Nell country.
There is heaps of SU stuff on the net.
it's worth a look.



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a long time ago ,I tried to use ram air with the SU but I didn't succeed.
At speed ,I had used carb heat (installed at this time) as the mixture was leaning with air pressure.
So I installed ram also on the fuel bowl but no better results.

So I still use it with no ram air, and no carb heat, the carb is fed with warm air from the engine bay, and CAT is monitored via an indicator...
With the overall performance I get with this set up,I really have no reason to look for better...
the 2276 spins the prop at a steady 3550 in climb. a few weeks from now the vario showed 1700 ft/min for a 850# weight,
but this last Thursday it reached only 1500 ft/min in about the same load condition, but much colder air...
the prop I use is a 54X52 sterba I bought from Jeff a few years ago,that I modified to suit my need...
much less pitch and smaller in length. it is now in it's final shape and I won't try for more ,cause I'm scared to ruin it...

Note that My RPM numbers are true and they both show exactly the same.
One rpm on the mag and one on the sec ign.
they both showed within 10 rpm from the checking device we use for this purpose ...

Now I realise and enjoy that every little detail I spent time on during this long and dedicated engine build ( a few years ago), pays off now.

My bird is hangared in a brand new hangar,and there is never a drop of oil on the superb concrete floor below the engine,
it may seem stupid ,but I'm very proud of this...

This is not stupid, Gaston. You've met with great success - why would you "fix" it? I'm sure many have had great success with other carbs. I like your performance numbers . . . and your long history of running the SU with so little trouble.

Re: AeroCarb/Revflow Ram Air

Here is my take on Ram Air on my Revflow.

At OSH Jeff had this carb on his S-1 with a little cold air/ram air intake scoop on the front.

The intake elbow is a two inch PVC piece from Lowes, fits perfectly snug out of the box, did cut two slits in the sides on the top, will have a hose clamp. It will also be sanded, smoothed and cleaned up to look a little bit less like a piece of PVC, front portion rounded off.

Will have to put some kind of course bird screen across the front, likely just inside the inlet.

Cost before tax 88 cents!!

Hard to argue cold, unobstructed ram air.

I also wanted to open up the cooling air exit area on the bottom of the cowl, so I opened it up to the point at which it clears the carb. So when the carb drips fuel it will drip on the ground instead of inside the cowl. The opening may be a bit large but I doubt it, it looks fine, then again I am interested in cooling and functionality versus racing. BTW the intake scoop does look pretty draggy... but it worked last year for Jeff, I will assume that the benefit of good air flow will offset the drag of the intake elbow.



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The ram air does offset the drag, however I was going to make a fairing for it. Whatever you do, paint it. I flew with one painted silver for years and nobody noticed it. I stuck a bigger white one on it as a test and that was the first thing people took pictures of.

BTW, the bigger tube did nothing for engine performance.

The long term was to extend the tube forward to just behind the prop, but thats obviously off the table now. Kent Passer had very good results in doing so, but it might look like a donkey dong on a Sonerai ;)
Thanks Jeff,

I do have Kent's book. I did extend an intake to the prop on my RV-6, I don't know if it helped because I incorporated several of Kent's ideas all at the same time, but I like the way it came out.

See ya OSH at the Sonerai party.
