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Search results

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    Gazaile 2 vertical tail

    Hi everyone, Please I'm having a bit of issues with my vertical tail angle's measurement. The tail needed to be set to a +13 degree angle, now when I placed my digital level on both side I'm getting a reading on both sides. Is there any way I can correct this issues? I have attached pictures of...
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    Epoxy resin in Australia.

    Good afternoon Mates, Anyone here building or built wooden plane in Australia? Am really finding it hard to get epoxy resin. The project recommends sincomin epoxy resin, the only supplier in Australia does not have any stock at the moment. I know Aussies have been building wooden planes for...
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    Any Aussie here?

    Hello everyone, Any Aussie here? I have few questions regarding SAAA ( Sport Aircraft Association of Australia). Regards Steve
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    Any Gazaile 2 builder here?

    Hi folks, Anyone here building gazaile 2 here? I received my plans from Serge yesterday and want to to ask some few questions regarding C1, C2,..... Etc. The plans are good but I need heads up on how you guys started. Cheers
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    Champion V project

    Good day ladies and gentlemen, Am about to purchase a project however there are some damages to the project which am seeking advise from you guys that have built a wooden plane. In regards to the damages in the attached pictures what is/are your suggestions. 1. Damage to the canopy rail which...
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    Zenith STOL CH 701 plans

    Hello, Am looking to trade my zenith STOL CH 701 for any wood, fabric, composite aircraft plans. PM me for what you've got and lets talk. Thanks all
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    Wood, composite, fabric

    Good day ladies and gentle men, Pardon me if this question has been asked before, the search failed me. Which plane can be built from wood, fabric and composite, I don't want to go down the path of kit and also want something, I have considered KR2S but that it is too fast for my liking. I...
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    Hi everyone, I have searched through this forum but does not see answer to what am looking for. Anyone here ever built a trike from plans? Or does anyone knows about a proven plans built 2 place trike. Al your contributions is appreciated. Steve
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    Fishing on Float planes

    Hi Guys, I just wanna know how many of you ever went on fishing on your plane with floats, am just wondering were do you sit or stand, siting inside the cockpit or perhaps standing on the lotus? Is it even doable with the waves tossing the plane. I will appreciate who as done this before to...
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    Aircraft grade wood in Brisban or Queensland

    Hi Guys, Anybody here from Brisbane or Queensland knows were to get aircraft grade ( wood ) ? I have google but fails to bring out something reasonable. Thanks.
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    Cozy MK plans Exchange

    Hi Guys, I have Cozy mk IV plans with templates and Zenith 701 plans, I want to exchange any of these plans with Bearhawk 4 Place plans. Preferably people from Australia due to shipping cost. However if you are outside Australia and interested pm me and lets discuss. Thanks and happy building
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    STOL 701 PLANS For Trade

    Anybody with Unsed plans for CH 640 or Bearhawk for trade with Stol 701 unused plans, pls pm me.
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    I have Stol 701 unused plans for sale any reaonable offer is wellcome. And please note I will only send by regular airmail if you wish to use a courier we might discuss on that aswell. PM me if you are interested.
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    Hi Folks, I have zenith 701 unused plans that will change to any plans but preferably 4 place....might consider KR2S in exchsnge aswell. pm me if you have any to exchange
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    4 seater wood plane

    Hi Folks, Please does anybody know a 4 seater plans built wood construction, or wood , tube construction and fabric ,or wood and composite construction. An oranisation is looking for a joing project but they are more specific onthe above construction.Thank you
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    coooool bird

    what to call this?.. glider or jet???? anyway its cool i hope it fly
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    Certified plane as project

    I just looking arround on barnstomers and came accross some certfied plane as project, am wondering will this be registered as experimental after completing the building or restoration of the aircraft or will still be a certified aircraft. Please can somebody answer my novice question.
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    Experimental certification in Australia

    Hello Aussie guys in the house, please I want to ask a qustion can a non Permanent Residency e.g on working visa, or someone who is going to reside in Australia for a long period of time bring along his/her incomplete project along to Australia for completion and certification. As here in...
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    Ultralight like MXLII?

    Hi Folks, I have used the search menu for the past few days but couldnt come out with something I needed. Please does anybody know ultralight inline with quicksilver MXLII? Preferrable plans built and 2 seats. THank you
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    Material Interpretation

    Hi Folks, Am here again with my novice question, please pardon me for that. I had a problem in interpreating my bill of material from my project plans. this is an example is, 1/2" X .058 wall 6061-T6 Alum Tube, 5/16 X .035 wall 6061-T6 Alum Tube. Now My question is the numbers like 1/2" X...