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Where's everyone?

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Sorry, but I have been out in the hangar in near 100 degree heat pulling my hair out working on baffling. I think this baffling has been the most frustrating part of the entire project to date, but it is looking good. I will have pics out in a couple of days.

I have to complete the baffling, do some more fiberglass work on the cowl and then I will be ready to cover the fuselage and prep everything for paint. I may have to wait till fall to paint but I will work on it in the mean time.

I am going to put a lip on the cowl where it overlaps the wing (S-1) like Jeff did.

Started looking at getting the wheel pants that Tim sold me mounted, man, the pants sure make the S-1 look sleek!

I'm here! still waiting for my cowling to be made and cash in hand to buy the wingtips when Oahu starts selling them! ;D Gonna take the fat tires off Libertie tomorrow and gain some speed back! :D I suppose everyone is flying or spending the nicer weather with family to accrue workshop time next winter LOL!
I'm here. Busy with putting stuff away after moving to a rural acreage. I had no idea I had this much stuff. Also about to start rebuilding the roof on a 22' x 42' shed that I like to call "Hanger". The hanger will house my ultralight and a paint shop. The plan is to be able to fly the ultralight the 15 miles to KSHL, then get into the Sonerai to go places a bit faster. My son's excavation business utilizes part of the acreage, and he laid a fine 45' wide drive that runs the length of the property. Yup, I call it a runway. ;D

My mother has been out here from California for the last three weeks to help me get my house ready to sell. I'm lucky to get to the airport at all except Wed. & Sunday, and then I just want to relax. Got details to finish on the plane, spring is slipping away. :'(
Its been a fast paced spring! I spent 10 days in Alaska and am now sidetracked from the Sonerai with the next SAA publication and a customer's Sonex project. I will be lucky to have the SI back in the air this year at this rate :mad:

For what it is worth, I must of referenced this forum 10 times in the last 2 weeks, though I usually do not make entries as what I'm looking for is usually there! This weeks theme was spark plug inserts and what type of oil are folks using.

I have always appreciated your/others efforts to post, and when I have had questions or felt I could add meaningful input, I do post.

Mike "Wafer" Then
Been here too....commented on most everyone's posts. Still trying to get the hang of driving the solid rivets for my spars. Some days good others, can't get even one straight. :-\
I flew out to Manitoba for a weekend of Aviation events. I got to fly the Metro Simulator owner by Perimeter Airlines. They are powered by the Garratt 1000 hp turboprops. Even though it's nicknamed the flying pipe, the Metro is a very flyable aircraft. I landed it decently 3 times.