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Volksplane Plan Set Including Large Set and Evans Lightplane Designer's Handbook

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2010
Gallup, New Mexico USA
This is the last set of plans I had that for sure I won't be using. I bought these from Evans Aircraft, and as much as I do like this plane, my hands are full with the Morin fuselage, the HM 293 (both in early stages!) and the Ragwing RW4 mid wing ultralight which has taken the priority along with all my guitar building. The VP-1 plans include:

Plans and Flight Manual
Lightplane Designer's Handbook
Large plan (11X17) Smithsonian set

$60.00 and includes shipping anywhere in the US. Paypal, check, whatever... these plans are a great resource but my wife is say I need Feng Shui my shop... (good luck with that!) She wants those Model A Ford engine blocks moved too. I shrug. ;)