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Volksplane anyone?

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Dec 26, 2004
Oklahoma City, OK
Hello! I've been a member here for a few years, but have had a long leave of absence. :) I wanted to build a plane a few years ago but lacked the time and money. I bought a powered paraglider instead and have been flying that for a few years now. It's a lot of fun, but I'm finally ready to build my own airplane. I've been doing a lot of research on the internet and I've pretty much narrowed down my choice to the Volksplane VP-1. I'd sure like to have a RV-10 or something, but I have to be realistic here! :) I figure that I could build a VP-1 for relatively cheap, and in not a lot of time. Then I could build something bigger and faster some other time and not be without something to fly in the meantime!

I had some questions for others with VP's. I've noticed a couple people on here that are working on a VP-1. MichaelC and Scuba. Anyways, what kind of motors are you guys going to get or did you get? The 1600? 1635? I would kind of like to rebuild one. I'm pretty handy with engines, and the VW's are as simple as they come. The local auto salvage lot has a 1600 for $110 and they say it runs. It's still in the car and I'd have to pull it myself. It looks pretty simple. I've swapped engines in Cadillac's before. Shouldn't be too hard to pull one from a beetle. I'd rebuild it anyways. But I don't know if it would be any cheaper than just buying an engine that's ready to go? Also, I'm a pretty good mechanic, but my life might depend on this engine! HA!

I am a flight engineer on the E-3 AWACS in the Air Force. I'm supposedly moving to Alaska next spring. I just don't have the orders yet. Is there a way to get some cabin heat in a VP-1? I don't think I'd be doing any bush piloting in a VP-1 up there. I'd just fly around the Anchorage area. A way to stay warm would be great! I'm sure I'd make a canopy for the plane as well. Anybody ever seen a VP-1 with skis? :)

For anybody that's completed a VP-1, how long did it take you? Can you build the tail sections first? I don't see why not. I'd like to start on this thing soon. I should find out when I'm moving pretty soon. If I could build smaller parts now like the tail sections, ribs, bulkheads, and then build the fuselage and wings after the move, that's a good option for me. What was the cost to build the plane? For those of you working on building your planes, what costs are you figuring for getting the thing in the air?

What kind of performance are you guys getting? I've read that you can cruise about 75 mph or so. That's plenty for me. I just want to fly around ya know? A short cross country here and there would be fun though. You know, a 300 mile trip or something like that. How comfortable is the plane? I am 6'1" and about 200 pounds. From the pictures of the plans I've seen, it looks like the backrest is straight up. Can you make it recline a bit? :)

Finally, I found the Volksplane usergroup on Yahoo a while back and applied. But my membership is STILL waiting on approval. Ugh. If anybody knows who approves that stuff, give them a nudge for me will ya? Thanks!