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Vision VRS. Cozy

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2004
Troy, Michigan
Ok, that was an intro for me in the new member introductions. First of all I am trying to be very careful in this forum to not be too much of a cozy person. I LOVE the cozy and am about 80% done with the airframes. There are three of us building two planes, 1 day a week, for 5 1/2 years now.

I went to the vision site and it was very interesting, what i liked

plans built
$6,500 airframe
glass construction

what i didn't like
2 seater
screaming that no wire cutting of wings, like it is hard to do, which it is not

You can build a cozy for from 25,000 to 150,000 and from the outside, nothing will look diferent, oh, ok my cs prop may look diferent that the traditional wood fixed pitched prop.

the plane is a 2+2 you can take your wife and her cloths

No need to believe the designer on performance, he didn't exagerate anyways, hundreds flying that prove it really does what it is advertised to.

you can build both the vision and the cozy for relatively small up front money, buy the plans and start, don't worry about where, basement is fine, just start building parts, parts is parts.

If you get to a chapter that is more than you can currently afford, review the next chapters and see if they can be built first.

Both of these planes are back loaded for money, the engine/prop/avionics are not needed for a long time, many enjoyable hours of building can be had for relatively few dollars.

BUT, don't compromise your dream, make sure the plane fills the mission you have for it, make sure you LOVE the looks.

just remember, your'e crazy if you don't build a cozy, he he he

enjoy the build
