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SoneraiWorks Announcement

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Well, this is a bit of bitter/sweet news -- as one of the lurkers (now that my project is gone), I've continued to lust after the Sonerai, so in that regard I'm pleased to hear that John is re-adopting his design.

I've got an unused set of Sonex-A model plans, wonder if John would allow me something against wing components... hmmmm... well, just thinking outloud...
I don’t know Fred but sounds like he did a great job. Hopefully John will offer a QB kit with some updates.
Sonex announcement on Sonerai coming home: https://www.sonexaircraft.com/sonerai/

"Sonex Aircraft is pleased to announce that the Sonerai line of aircraft designs is coming home! Sonex Aircraft, LLC will be selling the plans and parts for John Monnett’s original aircraft design."
I want to thank Fred again for his tireless work supporting all things Sonerai! Also a big thank you to Sonerai.Net and all the loyal Sonerai owners and followers. In the coming weeks Sonex Aircraft, LLC will be posting dedicated web pages on the Sonerai design, parts and updates. Please be patient during this transition and stay tuned to sonexaircraft.com for the latest announcements, content and contact information.
Dear Fred,
many thanks for all your support for the Sonerai pilots and workers and for the whole community.
I wish you a Happy new year and many, many flying days in your "new" retirement.
With best regards from Germany
Juergen Thiesen
Happy New year,
Thanks also to Fred for all his help and support over the past 10-15 years. My SII LS/J3300 would not be flying were it not for Fred.
Bill Evans
Hi Fred. Just want to thank you for all your time and effort in keeping the Sonerai community going, and for running SoneraiWorks for the past several years. It seems like a great move getting the Sonerai “back home”. It’s a resilient design that’s been around for many years. I know I’ll continue working toward completion of mine. Hope to see you at OSH2020. Good luck in your future endeavors! Greg Hier