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Small, cheap mode-c transponder?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 14, 2018
Tellico Plains, TN
OK, now that I have the Uavionix skyBeacon and skySensor installed, I should have the ability to broadcast ADS-B position. I'll fly it for the first time today, but I don't have high hopes of it working yet. Uavionix said there was something I would need to do in the configuration to make it work without a transponder, and they're off for the holidays.

Anyway, in the one thing leads to another department, I'm not starting to think of adding a transponder for the full package. I don't need a transponder, but could occasionally make use of one (flying over class C, or inside mode C veil). I'd basically never change it from 1200.

The Onex has very little space for avionix, and the only panel area I could come up with would be a lump on top of the glareshield. There's actually plenty of room there without blocking vision, but I'm not sure I want to do that. I could potentially come up with a small space for a control head on the panel, but not for the whole transponder. I do have encoder output from the Dynon D-180, so all I need is the transponder, and of course an antenna and some cable.

So the question is my best used transponder option under $1000? If I have to go with a conventional size unit, the Garmin GTX327 is hard to beat for reliability, and availability used. I know Trig and maybe Becker made remote units, but I know the trig is expensive, and I just don't know much about the Becker. Any suggestions?
