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Re Super Pulsar 100

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Active Member
Feb 24, 2004
NSW Australia
Hi Everybody,

I would like advice and opinions on an aircraft I've taken a likeing to recently, and also on the company that makes it.

I'm referring to the Super Pulsar 100. Pulsar Corporation makes some amazing claims for this plane if one can believe them. For example they claim 200 mph cruise on a Continental O-240 125hp engine, and a cruise range of 1,200 miles with a usefull load of 700Lb. It all sounds a bit fantastic, like they are bending the laws of physics here. Is this kit really this good, if not what is the real story.

It is not a cheap kit to purchase, but then again if it came close to the claimed performance it's not an expensive kit either. I believe Rich Trickel, former part owner of Kis Aircraft is head of production, and according to a web site news letter they have moved the production to El Salvador South America, no doubt to reduce costs. Rick Trickel certainly has the runs on the board when it comes producing composite kit aircraft, so one should expect good things from him.

I'm really interested in everybodys opinions on this kit, good and bad. If the performance is in the ball park to what is claimed, then I have found the plane I want to build. Running a 120/130hp engine should be a lot cheaper than running a 180/200hp engine.
One other thing, the main gear is made from aluminium. I've asked them if a carbon fibre option is available, as I want to be able to use grass strips. They said no, it only comes in aluminium. How strong would aluminium be and would it be suitable for grass strips.
Many thanks,