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Preventing rust on bare 4130 steel

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Active Member
Mar 24, 2015
Tulsa, ok
Guys, I'm transporting a bare uncovered fuselage which I bought from a previous builder. I'll protect it the best I can under cover, but the trip will be a good 8 hours. In case I get rained on, what do you find worked best to prevent rusting. Rubbing it down with wd40 or something?

This should be an easy answer, but I'd like your input. Thanks!

I would cover it and hope for the best. It probably already has some rust on it and you probably will sand blast it before you paint it, so if it picks up a little more on your road trip it's no big deal. An oily coating on the other hand will have to be thoroughly removed before painting.

Congratulations on your purchase.

We boil dirty parts (4140 and 4130) in a caustic bath to remove paint, scum and other stuff. When pulled from the bath the parts are washed off with hot water. We then mist wd40 over the parts. The parts do not rust.
Thanks guys!

I did get rained (more like stormed) on and it did get wet despite 3 tarps over it. Arrived home at 1:30am on a 20 hour return trip so it was the next day before I could look at it. I wiped it down using a rag with wd40 and it cleaned up pretty good. Before sandblasting I'll use some acetone to remove it.


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