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Oshkosh 2018

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2006
Franksville, WI USA
Hi there, everyone. In case you haven’t noticed, Oshkosh 2018 starts four weeks from today! As usual, i’m planning to be there most of the week with my airplane. I will probably fly it up on Wednesday or Thursday before it all starts, then bring my camping gear up on Friday or Saturday. The Sonerai Builders Forum is scheduled for Monday, July 23, at 1:00 PM in Workshop C. Hopefully, we can do a lunch gathering at the Tailwinds Cafe next to the Homebuilder’s Hangar on Wednesday (like we did last year). I’m also doing my Demystifying Weight and Balance forum on Friday, July 27, at 11:30 AM, also in Workshop C. If you’re coming, please stop by and say “hi”.
I'll see you there, Fred! After the luncheon I'd like to assemble everyone by your plane for a group photo.

I'll be arriving on the 21st and staying the duration. Camp Sholler as usual. If only I could find a good driver for my 5th wheel, I would fly it out again.
Sorry to say this will be my third 'missed' Oshkosh in 48 years....Wish I could see you all, but it is not possible...ED
Again our "Life-Events" seem to coincide with Airventure. Closing on our new home in Crisfield Md July 24 and moving beginning of August. Hello Fred the Tailwind Cafe reminds me to tell you that we have a new-ist member here at Chapter 691 Logan Ott [email protected] with a Wittman Tailwing. Logan's father build and flew it and now it belongs to Logan. A VERY nice example. Sorry no pics, but it is plain white and looks fast just sitting in the hanger. -Pete
Unfortunately not possible this year. Last year I was with my teenage daughter. She can't make it this year either and it wouldn't be the same without her anyway. We walked miles and miles in '17. Stayed 3 days, 2 in camp Scholler with friends. What an event!
I won't make it this year (again). But I just snagged this shot from one of the Airventure webcams (they are up and running). That looks suspiciously like Fred's airplane it the middle. Red fuselage, metal/silver wings. Could it be, or just a coincidence?



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Arrived at oshkosh, camping near 25th and elm in the no gen zone
Im leaving for oshkosh on sunday, plan to camp near the fun fly zone off-field
You know how Christmas is when people often have the most problems with depression? A combination of the short days and holiday bad times (e.g. missing family members, etc.).

This time of year has become something like that for me, I guess. I haven't made OSH in years now. All I get to do is stare sadly at the web cams and wish I was there. Seriously depressing. :'(


I hear ya.....my third 'Miss' in 48 years is finding me wishing I were traveling north right now. Hopefully next year, and with a resurrected racer to show off.....
Spoken like a true true ambassador...thanks for posting Ken.

BTW Fred, how did the Wednesday Sonerai lunch meeting go?

I flew in Monday for a quick visit and parked next to Fred. Then I flew into Fond du Lac on Wednesday for the day and had lunch with Fred and a couple of other Sonerai owners. Nice chat - only 4 of us.


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