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New RTFM-Aero "workshop"

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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Well, I think I've solved both my need to move house, and my need for a new workshop.

I've come across a concrete slab with a side-opening container at the end of it under a roof about 10mins drive from our current home. Comes with power also. Cheap as chips, relatively convenient, and we get to continue staying in Brisbane's West End, which is only a few minutes from the CBD

Only problem is - that's all I get. A concrete slab and a container. I have to wall off the sides and erect some sort of gate. Looking on the bright side - this place is a junk yard. There's more corrugated sheeting than you can shake a stick at. Plus wire mesh. Plus wood. And metal shelving. Everything a scrounger could want.

So if the boss agrees, we'll be staying put in our little unit, and I'll be moving out to the new "workshop" to complete the Razorback. Might as well start pretty much right away, I guess.

Here's a few photos.


Yeronga 6.jpgYeronga 2.jpgYeronga 5.jpg