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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2003
Northern NSW Australia
What do you all do to keep you motivated?
We all start with a passion to build ourselves the plane of our dreams, but how do we keep that passion so they come to fruition?
What keeps you going back, long after you started, despite all the obstacles and hiccups along the way? :ermm:
For me, since I haven't begun to commit anything to metal yet, what keeps me coming back to the "drawing board" after nearly a year of work, (and still only 3/4 done drawing, if that) is pictures of what I am working towards. Each time I finish drawing for the day (or night :gig:), I make up a couple of JPG's of what I have done. :D
These I either print out to put up about the place, or use them for desktop wallpaper. Every time I look at the computer or the lounge room wall, I can see what I want to achieve. :ban: