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Memorial Day 2024

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Victor Bravo

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jul 30, 2014
KWHP, Los Angeles CA, USA
Sorry, off topic...

For those of us on HBA that live in the US, please take a moment between beers and burgers this holiday weekend to think about the purpose and meaning of Memorial Day. Think about the price that was paid by many many people to ensure and maintain the rights, privileges, security, and standard of living we enjoy.

This last few days I was just tasked by a veteran services nonprofit to write a press release, web page content, and program description about the launch of a mobile food bank that will serve the thousands of fixed/low-income veterans who are running out of food on the third week of every month. The basic cost of living and buying simple groceries has blown past their fixed income.

The parades, the flags, and the public ceremonies are well-earned and wonderful... but the greatest way we can honor the sacrifice of veterans who gave their lives in service to the country, is to save or improve the life of a veteran that is still here with us. That's worth a thousand parades and fireworks shows.

If any elderly, retired, low-income, or home-bound veterans in your community are at risk from this newly emerging threat to their survival, contact whatever nonprofit food bank is in your community. Make sure they are aware of any local low-income veterans who might not appear to be homeless or at high risk, but may not have food to eat for part of the month, because of the difference between their fixed income and today's cost of food.
