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Airplane For Sale Long-EZ Project for sale

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Marc Zeitlin

Exalted Grand Poobah
Dec 11, 2015
Tehachapi, CA

Bill Schein (COZY III Pilot) has asked me to help him sell a Long-EZ project he's got in Santa Fe, NM. This was a flying Long-EZ, but hasn't flown in a long time. Here's his announcement:

LONG EZ without engine for sale

This aircraft was built in 1985 and has 648 hours on the Hobbs meter. The engine was removed and it sat for long enough for the registration and certification to expire. Repairs made since include:

- minor fiberglass repairs to wings​
- Wingtip lights replaced​
- Wheel bearings repacked​
- New tires installed​
- Odyssey battery installed​
- New leather seats installed​
- New Crow safety harnesses installed​
- Switches and circuit breakers replaced (but not installed)​

Please see the equipment list below for further information. Located in Santa Fe, NM
Asking $18,000 OBO

Pictures, logbooks and an equipment list can be seen here:

Questions, comments, or offers - contact Bill directly at:

[email protected]
(505) 469-1399

Please do not respond to me - thanks.