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Loehle P40 project

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Active Member
Jul 17, 2015
Gladwin, MI
Hello. I ended up with a plane basically fall into my ownership, so I need to get rid of the Loehle. It has retractable gear, long range fuel option, and has fuselage and full tailfeathers and wings built. Left wing has some damage but is being repaired. T-88 adhesive used throughout build. ALL records of build are included. Has nose cone, covering material, canopy components, etc. that go with it, as well as two full sets of plans. Will be a VERY nice plane. Main spar is modified with additional attachment points for added safety margin. Will need to get $2700 out of it with recent money sunk in it to repair wing. Kit would cost around $19000 if bought new (and without any labor or time in it).