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Interesting Polish PWS-3 modular light aircraft (1927)

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2010
World traveler
This was posted in another group focused more on historic aviation and provides some interesting food for thought, a bit like the way Bud Evans encouraged folks to provide their own cosmetic turtledeck, canopy, fairings, etc. on top of his underlying structure in the Volksplanes. The idea seams to have been to use the same common load-bearing structure for variants with one or two seats adapted for different roles. It looks like there was no intention to fly the "beam" fuselage by itself, but that could also provide some inspiration for a simple ultralight. Original article here (in Italian) on pp. 933-4 including the first image and and a bit more here (in Russian) including the other images and this Wikipedia article (in English) with basic specs. Cheers, Matthew

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