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How to Take off and land a 747 at San Francisco Int'l Airport

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Flying Monkey

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2008
How to Take Off & Land a 747 at San Francisco International Airport | Laughing Squid

This video taken from the cockpit of a Virgin Atlantic Boeing 747 making a final approach to SFO seems to have been filmed with official sanction, so the production quality is excellent. If you’ve ever wondered what’s going on in the front of the plane as you prepare to land at SFO — or if you’re just a fan of air traffic control communications and NASA-style checklists — this video should more than satisfy your curiosity.

I notice in the Pilot's pre-takeoff briefing ( second video down ) that after take-off from Heathrow runway # 27 ( straight west ) they're going to steer 360°.

Right over Santa's House!! :grin:

Then I started to think maybe that was true instead of magnetic, and they might miss overflying Mr Clauses house-but since the magnetic deviation at London, England, is only +3°, it don't matter-they'd still at least wake some helper elfs up.....:ban::gig: