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any ideas?

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Aug 30, 2004
Hi, im looking to build a 2 place aircraft like a Thorp T 18...i would rather an all sheet metal plansbuilt aircraft with a slideing canopy..is this a good project for a first time builder,the next project id like to do arfter will be a 80% scale fw190 id prefure to do thatone in sheet metal aswell but thats gunna be a few years down the track.
my first priority is to get my PPL and do some cross country flying how well suited is the thorp to this kind of flying and does anyone know if its safe to use from farm airstrips?has anyone used a corvair in the thorp?
So many questions..:confused:.are there other simular plans that would be more useful to me?..A kits far to expencive so the Vans ect are outta my reach and i realy like the idea of working with alclad( worked with fiberglass too long).otherwise great site you have here,been learning heeps more from the posts...keep it up:)