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Alternator an Reg/Rec wiring

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2011
Fort Worth, TX
Hello all,
I'm having trouble figuring out the wiring for the alternator and regulator/rectifier. There is a wiring harness with three wires that comes out of the Diehl case with a screw on cannon plug, and a fourth wire with a terminal clip.(first picture) That plugs into another harness that has what I assume is the regulator/rectifier attached and some wires that must go to the starter switch and /or bus bar. Does anyone have a wiring diagram for this? I have seen the one in the archives by Mike Then, but it doesn't seem to cover my situation. Thanks for any helpIMG_2913.JPGIMG_2912.JPG
Hi Scott,

The cannon plug is confusing me. My alternator is the 10-A model that GPASC used years ago and has only two wires, both ending in female spade connectors. They connect to the left and right spades on the rectifier (doesn't matter which to which) and the middle spade is for the wire to the bus. Hope this helps.

If you look closely at the fast-on style tabs on the regulator-rectifier, I think they'll be labeled "[AC] [B+] [AC]". The two outside "AC" tabs go to the 2 stator wires, the B+ middle tab goes to the positive post on the battery, and I believe the 4th wire with the ring terminal is a case ground that goes behind a bolt head that attaches the end lugs of the regulator-rectifier to the aircraft structure.
This is the same as a Kohler 4140310 regulator-rectifier. I replaced mine last year.

That "cannon plug" looks to be something the builder added on. I'm not sure why, unless the regulator-rectifier is buried in the tail somewhere.
Thanks Ed and Kenny. So that gadget IS the rectifier it seems and it is wired correctly. It must be an old rectifier because the pictures on the GPAS site show a completely different one. Now I wonder about that spade terminal (which is also coming out of the case wire bundle). If it is a ground, I didn't see it on any wiring diagram.