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Testing worlds lightest piston engine AC in 1/6 scale with Cox Baby Bee 0.049

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
Cox model engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It says it pulled 0.057 hp in a test stand.

I just printed 1/6 scale views of my design ( supposed to be 170 kg flyweight max with 230 lbs pilot ).

I think I'll do it and it looks plausible to fly with that....I have a 1/6 scale Naxy Seal ( Team 6 ) model too and he'll be the testpilot ( Rick by Dragon models ).

I'll sent photos when it flies.


I have two cox engines.

It should weight around 750 grams and Cox Baby Bee would equal 12 hp engine on a real one.

I haven't been this exited about a model since I was 15 years old.


I am not 100% sure if this will beat this in weight;

Pterodactyl Ascender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

56,7 kilos sounds very lite !
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