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Potential Auto Conversion

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Sep 19, 2008
I've been looking for an opprotunity to build a warbird replica for about 5 years now and I've finally decided on one of the plans from WAR Replicas. Since I already own a PA-28-180, I really wanted to find someplace to build off of plans to spread out the cost over time.

But I'm at a quandry. I really would like to build their P-40, which is designed around an in-line 4-cyl auto conversion. Obviously this is my first experience at building an aircraft or flying one with an auto conversion and my focus on reliability and safety is paramount. I was curious as to what the reliability of the ignition systems are. And if it is possible to have dual systems, such as in aero engines, to switch between in case of trouble.

And do people stick with fuel injection or go with carbs? And if fuel injection is acceptable, what about computer controls and whatnot? Where do all of these fit in.

I suppose I'm looking for a general rundown on the process of getting an auto engine to work in a plane. I've read some really informative posts here but I'd like to see someone break it down for me. :)

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


Scott B