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Oil cooler shutter install

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 3, 2007
I'm in the process of installing a shutter to help control my oil temps (Hatz with an O-290-D engine). It will be operated with a push-pull cable. The question of the moment is whether it should be pull to open or pull to close, and why?

In cold temperatures (below 55F or so) it needs to be fully closed; in hot weather it can be fully open. At this time of year, I'm constantly adding or removing tape from the front of the cooler. The engine has no vernatherm, so the ability to close the cooler off will help it to warm up more quickly, too.

I'm leaning towards pull to open, as that seems more reliable, and runs the cable under the engine (between the cylinders and intake tubes) rather than across the top of the engine.