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Is homebuilding going to vanish?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2014
Englishtown, NJ

I am trying to restart a project and am horrified at what I'm finding relative to supplies. In looking to buy fresh adhesives I see that prices have doubled. I then, out of curiosity, starting looking for nails only to find out they no longer exist. I have a good supply that I got from Wicks in my initial order, but its unsettling to think that they're no longer manufactured. Related to that Wicks no longer sells wood making Aircraft Spruce the only game in town. That's fine, but the price of capstrips I need has very nearly doubled as well.

I'm sure homebuilding has been a fairly small market for an awfully long time, but is it going to disappear due to pricing and availability. I'd imagine there are not going to be any upstarts in the aircraft nail manufacturing business.

I constantly am told that our country has been through ups and downs before and I believe that. But it seems the down we're in now might kill a lot of industries for good. Im very disturbed by it. What does anyone else think about this subject.
