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Four seat wooden airplane designer

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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I started building aircraft about 30 years ago with Ken Rand, since then I've done about 30 design studies.
Before that I built power model airplanes, the first of which was a design by Edgar Schmued. I bought this one because it was half the price of any other control line model in the shop. This P-51 was made from Balsa and aluminum foil.

Edgar went on to advocate Construction of aluminum wood sandwich aircraft but it has taken me many years to learn the merits of this form of construction.

I am currently studying a four seat desigtn that incorporates all the construction tricks I've come across over the years.
The Skins are are all molded with vacuum bags. The landing gear is a fixed tail wheel design. The engine is 130 horsepower or more. The goal is to have an economical kit that can be constructed in a about 100 man hours.

I am retired and living in Texas a few miles south of Lake Texoma