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Ekranoplan with foam! Will it fly?

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Apr 16, 2015
Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Hello there,

This is my 1st day here!

I started last year building an ekranoplan from an old canoe, old masts and other old parts from everywhere;
foam, duct tape, fiber glass... the cheapest things!...
And... im almost DONE!!

for power im using:
2x Aeolianmotor C5065 KV380 Brushless Motor 1665 Watt
with 16´´x 10´´, 4 blade propeller

1x sky engine 100cc, 18 hp
with a carbon fiber 3 blade, 120cm propeller

I dont know i much the "aircraft" weight... around 90Kg i guess.
and i wight 85kg

This ship, ekranoplan, its to fly only 1-2 metters above the water!
Im not a engennier, not a geniuos... i just want to fly!
So my question its: will it fly?! Will it take off?!

You can wach the full power test HERE!

Yes... i work in a place with bad conditions...

I need opinions, tips, good criticisms, things that i can learn more!

best regards

ps: i have more data, specifications, videos, pictures, about the ship that i can show!