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14 YO Girl Flies UL From SC to OSH

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Victor Bravo

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jul 30, 2014
KWHP, Los Angeles CA, USA
I happened to stumble across this video, and then a series of other related videos. Forget the ding-bat hostess who introduces the video in the first 15 seconds. Ms. Alina Scott, arriving in style in an Aerolite 103, is the bad-ass rock star of all aviation as far as I'm concerned!

The big take-away isn't even her flying skill, and the fact she flew a pretty long XC into OSH at 14. The bigger take-away for me was the self-confidence, demeanor, and maturity that aviation has helped develop in this young lady. When you see this video, you will be left with the idea that you probably just met a future Air Force General, Senator, and US President.

IMHO this video needs to be a central part of EVERY EAA Chapter's Young Eagles and community outreach. It has to be a part of every STEM program in every school, shown to every local politician and potential youth aviation program sponsor, and all of us need to promote, forward, and 'viral-ize' this video everywhere we can.
