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Workshop cleanliness for open layup

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Active Member
Sep 23, 2008
New-to-me workshop was used for wood working. Sawdust everywhere, even on the ceiling. Needless to say all this will be vacuumed and wiped and maybe a fresh coat of paint on the walls/ceiling.

The concrete floor is what concerns me. It's your typical brushed finish concrete like you would have in a garage with what appears to be some sort of coating. It's not even remotely smooth. After vacuuming, brushing, and mopping you could still see sawdust in the small valleys and troughs of the floor. In these cleaned floor areas you can wipe your finger and manage to bring up some dirt/dust even after the cleaning described earlier. My intuition is that walking over this floor will kick up dust.

How clean of a space is needed for doing wet layups? How clean for vacuum bagging, infusion, other composite techniques?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!