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Why so expensive??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2015
Bronx, NY
While I was looking through my recommended YouTube video list, I came across a tour shop of Adventura showcasing their wares. It showed what went into building one of their amphibious 2 seaters....and the thing that struck me the most was that it didn't look like much more than aluminum tubes bolted to a fiberglass hull with simple Dacron skins, not too far off from the myriad of ultralights I've flown over the years(minus the hull, of course). The repositionable gear seemed simple and inexpensive to produce as well....why then does one of these, minus powerplant, cost upwards of $38,000.00 for a kit? That seems excessive for what you get to be honest. I'm not picking on the Adventura, btw, the Searay also comes to mind here with much of the same construction, but a bit upgraded with standard aircraft covering and some additional thought put into it....but still way overpriced to me for what you get. Am I wrong here? Am I missing something?