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Why no four seat powered pargliders?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 4, 2023
I admit I have no experience in “soft” wings other than playing around kiting an old Pegasus 240 I bought off eBay 15 or so years ago, but I have a reoccurring thought of why isn’t there any multi passenger enclosed “pod” recreational machines using soft wings? I’m thinking an egg shaped enclosed pod, lightly insulated, seating for 4 or 4+pilot, tractor configuration. Foot throttle, two control sticks (like a skid steer or bulldozer) each attached to the normal configuration control lines. Maybe a “flap” lever linked to the appropriate rear lines, and a “speed” lever to the customary speed bar connections. By eliminating most of the structural weight of a conventional design it would make direct drive automotive engines more viable (with a proper thrust/precision handling bearing). Granted it would not make a great cross country commuter, but a weekend take the family flying toy, like a road trip equivalent? Once properly designed I can’t imagine that the material costs and labor to make a larger paraglider wing would be that much more expensive than the currently available ones, and a rather spartan base model “pod” shouldn’t be that expensive to make? What is the big “gotcha” hiding in the shadows that has kept it from happening? Powered soft wings have been around a along time and I think if there wasn’t a big no go problem they would already exist..

Edit: a “Sunday drive” recreational machine, no practical purpose other than entertainment. Comparable with a boat, with roughly the same set up/take down time as dealing with a busy boat ramp, would be usable in 4 seasons, even in places with winters, and storable in a car garage space..
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