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What is a "Heath Parasol"?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Marion, Ohio
Just what is meant by the term "Heath Parasol"?

I have seen a number of pictures and replicas designated as such, but there are differences between them.

Curious, I did a bit of research. There isn't much out there on the internet. The most I have found is a Wikipedia article that lists 21 planes built by the Heath company (or its successor, International), but not much detailed information. It is clear, though, that there was more than one parasol design. There are also some midwings (the Baby Bullet was the fastest plane in 1929), and at least 2 biplanes---one being a glider.

Does anyone know of a source of more information on the various Heath designs? Of course it is possible that not all of them were available as homebuilts. They may have been Ed Heath's personal planes for racing.

Mainly I am just curious, but I am also thinking about building a Ragwing RW6. If one of the Heath designs is close, then I will call it that, because my hometown is where the Heath Company moved when they left Chicago.