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What If Design (WID)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2009
Sahuarita Arizona, Renton Washington, USA
What if one of our distinguished HBA members won the lottery big time, really big, un-imaginary like big, and her only desire was to make a significant contribution to general aviation in the realm of personal flight. She (because femailes are more sensitive and compassionate) just wants to "do good" for the low income aviation enthusiast who wishes to experience the joy of flight. She comes to HBA because she naively believes in the collective knowledge of the internet. Her stated purpose is to make a "revolutionary contribution" to light flight for the good of mankind and the good green earth.

I, he, she, it comes to you seeking your wisdom and foresight to tell me her what to do.

Please note: like many of the females you may have met, she only wants to be friends and a business associate and has already employed a "good" lawyer. Yea, another one of those imaginary good finds.
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