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What else is like a Kitfox?

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Tiger Tim

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2013
Thunder Bay
Hey all, a friend of mine is looking for a new (to her) airplane. She wants a Kitfox or something like it, the trouble is we don’t think we have a very complete list of ‘something like it.’

Here’s a list of qualities she’s after:

-Can be bought second hand this summer
-Two seats, side by side
-Good short field performance. Farm strips, not competition STOL
-Good initial rate of climb in ISA+10 conditions
-Good on a rough field. Think bad grass, not boulders
-Tractor engine and propeller
-Four stroke engine strongly preferred
-Proven airframe and engine
-Canadian UL compliant (a lot like LSA) is preferred, or E-AB
-Reasonably economical to run, probably 125hp or less
-Fits in a standard T-hangar
-Roughly $30k CAD or less

-Any conventional materials

Obviously Avids fit the bill, though once you start getting into Highlanders and the like that price point gets passed and quickly. I asked my standard ‘What about a Chief?’ and that was a hard no. Likewise the Champ; her husband has one and she just doesn’t care for it, plus it’s tandem seat which isn’t what she wants. I assume a 701 is a no-go, both for the nose wheel and because a mutual friend seems to always be buying and selling those and she’d have one already if that was what she wanted.

So what else is out there that fits the bill?
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