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What Does Your Airport Do For the Community?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Mojave, Ca
With the increasing focus on the “evil” of leaded fuels and the occasional crash, comes media coverage of GA ops and airport closure discussions. Much of the time this coverage paints GA as nothing more than an exclusive “rich man’s” sport, and frankly, most of the arguments from our side found in the comments block/social media do not help things. While it may be true that the “studies” are flawed, or “the airport was here first”, and plenty of the cars, trucks, RV’s and boats found in these neighborhoods cost more than many of our “rich people’s airplanes”, pointing this out in the comments does not further our cause as ambassadors for GA.

The one thing I think we fall very short of is pointing out how GA benefits the community at large. I know AOPA tried to make this a focus a few years ago, but what I never saw was the specific talking points that we should have at the ready when we comment on social media, we get a news reporters ear, or even meet the neighbors on the street. I know GA airports are part of the national transportation infrastructure – just like freeways, rail, buses, etc – but how do we “translate” that to the non-aviation community? People understand the importance of trains - we have suffered the inconvenience of waiting at a rail crossing – but like GA, few people actually USE trains.

As hard as I try, it is hard for me to come up with any favorable arguments in support of keeping an airport open that does not look self-serving for another “rich guy’s sport”. I know there are many legitimate benefits to the community at large, but this thread is intended to cast a net out to the brain trust to arm us better.

So if someone shoves a microphone in your face and asks: “What does this airport do to serve the local community?”… What is your answer?