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Warbler Discussion Thread

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
North Texas / South Bay
This is a space for open discussion regarding the Warbler design project, at the request of cluttonfred.

The "build" thread is here:
The generic website placeholder is here:
As a reminder:
I am not an aerodynamicist or structural engineer. I am trying to get better at CAD and address some of the issues I have found with existing designs.
I am currently away from my actual project, which is why I'm "building" in CAD.
I appreciate feedback, but at the same time, many of the things you see in the "build" thread photos are incomplete and often wrong.
A lot of this has been trying to get the shape or figure out how to model it and come back later to fix it.
Many things are still undecided.

To reiterate:
  • This is roughly a composite of existing designs (Zenith CH650, CH601HD, Sonex, Davis DA-2, etc.).
  • Until the MOSAIC rules are solidified, I cannot solidify the design, so I have started with the existing LSA regs.
  • The first priority is to design something that can be durable with well-mannered flying characteristics.
  • The second priority is to design something that can be built cheap ($25k complete with used engine and simple panel).
  • The third priority is to design something with an airframe that can be built in 400 hours from plans with CNC-cut tooling.
As always, I'm happy to talk about how I use OnShape, so if you are interested but have had difficulty working with it, you should feel free to send a message.
I'm pretty busy with work, but I try to take time to answer questions because of my painful experiences with Dassault.
