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VP-2 instrument panel layout ideas

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2010
World traveler
13.jpg 5.jpg
Just for fun, here are some possible layouts for a simple VP-2 instrument panel that assumes a handheld radio, no transponder, and no navigational aids except a compass. As you can see from the images above, the instrument panel is also a critical structural bulkhead so space is limited and you can't put holes just anywhere. Note that not all layouts include a fuel gauge because I don't mind a simple wire and float sight gauge but I would use the fuel gauge function if included in a quad gauge, annunciator, or EMS. Please vote for your preferred layout(s) (you can choose more than one but don't have to) and post why below. Cheers, Matthew
VP-2 instrument panel option 1.jpg VP-2 instrument panel option 2.jpg VP-2 instrument panel option 3.jpg VP-2 instrument panel option 4.jpg VP-2 instrument panel option 5.jpg